Ownership Visioning

Every business owner has unique concerns and opportunity. Unfortunately, many o of our engagements begin after the loss of a critical employee or after a health event for a business owner. The preferred approach is an evolution of a succession plan as opposed to the “revolution” of a plan. Time helps business owners build plans that evolve. Having time to develop and observe how leaders perform is the preferred approach to planning.

Our proactive approach is to help clients begin with the creation of a vision for their succession plan. A vision provides an opportunity to set goals with “the end-in-mind.” A vision for ownership greatly impacts how education can help clients evolve their plan over time. A vision also helps develop a plan to recruit and retain talent over time.

Many business owners understand and feel the pressures of deciding to transition the ownership of the business, yet, they struggle with getting started. The vision exercise can help clients gain clarity on how to start.

Our planning begins with blueprinting a plan to get started with the ownership vision providing the foundation for the blueprint. The ownership visioning is foundational for any family business or a business with more than a shareholder.

We understand the long-term ownership simplifies what many business owners have experienced as to complex. See Let’s talk.

Let’s start the conversation

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